We pride ourselves on outstanding customer service. Please share your experience below.
While it all began with Randy’s enhanced Big Max Torch, today KDAR Company has a long list of specialty products to support your retail business, including:
We are continually adding new and improved products to our lineup. If you see something you like, or you think of something you need that we don’t offer, just ask! At KDAR Company, our team is always looking for those products that need development, improvement, or a lower cost to acquire. We welcome your ideas and requests for your business.
What sets KDAR Company apart from the competition?
Because we are a smaller family-owned company, you can count on that personalized touch missing from so many companies these days. We like to think we take an old-school approach to meeting our clients’ needs, but we also leverage the latest technology to streamline our services.
KDAR Company treats clients like family. You don’t have to deal with multiple layers of management. When you call us, you get us! We listen to what you want and deliver. Are there certain features you would like to see on a product? Just let us know. We listen and then modify or create products based on your requests.
One of the reasons we can deliver such exceptional service to our clients is our KDAR Company team. Our employees love what they do and have an average tenure that far outlasts the industry average. That means you can count on working with a company that values employees, provides order accuracy, and a faster turn-around time. Rather than wasting our time looking for new employees, we can keep our focus on fulfilling your orders and providing dedicated client care.
When you decide to order your products from KDAR Company, you will enjoy a warranty on all products that can’t be beat. We address all issues with products immediately, so you can trust you will get a high return on investment.
We welcome you to take a look around our site. When you see something you like, reach out via email or phone. We can answer your questions, help you compare products, offer recommendations, discuss modifications and new product development, or help you set up a line of credit to get started. Contact KDAR Company via phone or email to get started.
We are strategically located for fast shipping across the US & North America
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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